

Environmental Attorney discusses Algae Bloom that is devastating Florida’s Treasure Coast

By Rob Lorei On Midpoint Wednesday, we discussed the massive algae bloom that is choking Florida’s east coast with thick, toxic green sludge. It is believed that the bloom is being caused by agricultural fertilizers...
Wetlands Whole Foods Sarasota

Environmentalists object to Sarasota comp plan changes

The Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan is being updated and some environmentalists are concerned that at the same time protections of the public interest will be eroded. Commissioners approved changes to the comp plan Wednesday. Listen...

Tampa area express toll lanes approved by MPO

Shortly after 2 a.m. Thursday morning, after hours of heated debate, the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization voted 12-4 to move forward on the highly controversial $6 billion road project known as TBX. Voting against the project...

Perspectives on TBX project on the eve of major MPO vote

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Tuesday we talked about the controversial TBX project that will be voted on the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization on Tuesday. TBX is the proposal to widen much of the interstate system...

Can Tampa handle the consequences of climate change ?

By Rob Lorei Tropical Storm Colin lashed Tampa Bay earlier this week, causing flooding, road and bridge closures, and forcing some local cities to release raw and partially treated sewage into local waterways. Amid rising sea...
Bird roosting habitat Tampa

Bird roosting habitat at Tampa Tribune site will be protected

The Tampa Tribune is gone, but its building along the Hillsborough River in downtown Tampa still remains … for now; but soon it will be demolished to make room for a condominium. The local Audubon society worked...

Extremely high number of Walmart calls to police raises concerns. Is Walmart foisting cost of security onto taxpayers?

BY Rob Lorei We start Radioactivity Monday with the latest episode of Florida This Week, a news and public affairs show, hosted by Rob Lorei, that is broadcast on local PBS station WEDU on Friday...

Transportation officials and TBX opponents debate the controversial interstate project

BY Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Wednesday  we had a debate over the TBX project, the hotly debated interstate project that proposes to build toll roads in the middle  the 1-4 and 1-275 interstates through the...

Debate about lifting the Cuban embargo continues on Radioactivity

by Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Tuesday we continue the debate on lifting the Cuban Embargo from WEDU’s Florida this week. In this webcast-only portion of the debate, we are joined by two local people who...

Can Manufacturing Be Restored in the US?

By Rob Lorei Today on Radioactivity we talk about manufacturing in the U.S. Once a  part of strong sector in the U.S. economy that provided solid middle class salaries to those without college educations, Manufacturing...

Transportation officials responds to criticism of TBX project

BY Rob Lorei Within the last month we have had several guests who opposed the TBX Project, which proposes to expand the interstate system throughout Tampa bay adding toll roads. Today we hear from Raymond Chiaramonte, Executive...

Saint Petersburg Mayor delivers hopeful State of the City Address

Mayor Rick Kriseman announces that the state of Saint Petersburg is strong and sunny. Kriseman delivered his State of the City address last Saturday at the Coliseum. The auditorium was packed with city workers, residents...

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