
African American

Department of Justice forum gets input from Tampa residents on “biking while black” citations

The US Department of Justice is getting community input about the Tampa Police policy of handing out bicycle citations – overwhelmingly to black residents. They held a community listening session at the Hillsborough Community College...
WMNF 88.5

Listeners weigh in on Confederate flags and St. Pete’s history of lynching

Listeners weigh in on Confederate flags and St. Pete's history of lynching
WMNF 88.5

Tampa vigil for victims of Charleston mass shooting

Tampa vigil for victims of Charleston mass shooting

THANK YOU!!!! To everyone who made our Juneteenth Celebration a HUGE Success!

Pamela Robinson and Scott Elliott organized a fantastic Juneteenth here at WMNF, and so many people came out to celebrate with us. Both the movie screening and Poetry Is‘s Poetry Open Mic were packed, and...
WMNF 88.5

Radioactivity airs speech by Princeton professor Keeanga Yamahtta Taylor on racism in post-civil rights era

Radioactivity airs speech by Princeton professor Keeanga Yamahtta Taylor on racism in post-civil rights era
WMNF 88.5

Uhurus respond to church shooting in Charleston

Uhurus respond to church shooting in Charleston

Historical amnesia about lynching in St. Petersburg: the John Evans plaque

A small aluminum plaque, memorializing a victim of Saint Petersburg racial violence in 1914, is collecting dust in city archives.
WMNF 88.5

Young protesters demonstrate in Tampa for police accountability

Young protesters demonstrate in Tampa for fair policing
WMNF 88.5

MidPoint callers weigh in on running from police

MidPoint callers weigh in on running from police
WMNF 88.5

6 Baltimore officers charged in death of Freddie Gray

6 Baltimore officers charged in death of Freddie Gray

Tampa Bay Times reporters discuss profiling of poor, black cyclists by Tampa Police

Tampa Bay Times reporters discuss profiling of poor, black cyclists by Tampa Police

Florida history professor recounts black migration from Florida in early 20th century

Florida history professor recounts black migration in Florida

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