
African American

Loca African American multimedia artist reimagines controversial minstrel standard “Dixie”

Today on Midpoint, we talk with Sarasota-based musician John Sims, whose latest album the AfroDixie Remixes contains a reimagined versions of the American classic “I wish I was in Dixie”, a song written in the mid 1800’s...
Pinellas County Commissioner Ken Welch (right) and Nikki Gaskin-Capehart

Update on South St. Pete’s battle to reduce poverty

One of the most economically depressed areas of the Tampa Bay region, south St. Petersburg, has plans in place to reduce poverty by 30 percent by 2020; Wednesday morning at the Childs Park YMCA, Gypsy...

Local choir production celebrates the Songs of the Civil Rights Movement

By Rob Lorei Today, Host Rob Lorei speaks with September Penn, director of Sounds of the Civil Rights Movement: The Power of Song, a musical production centered around the freedom songs of the Civil Rights...
guns gun

Tampa Democrat opposes three Florida gun bills

President Obama has unveiled plans to tighten enforcement of gun laws; meanwhile in Florida the gun lobby will be pushing at least three changes to gun laws during the upcoming Florida legislative session. Last month WMNF...

Best Books from 2015 according to From a Woman’s POV

We had several authors chat with us on the show this year and Arlene has compiled a list of her favorites. They’re listed below in alphabetical order:     Cynthia Barnett, Rain: A Natural and...
Black Lives Matter

Tamir Rice protest Tuesday in St. Pete

On Monday an Ohio grand jury declined to indict the two officers involved in the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in November 2014; Tuesday afternoon in St. Petersburg there’s a protest to support Tamir Rice and...

Year in Review: Stories that had us talking in 2015

As the year 2015 comes to an end this week, we take time to review some of the top stories that had us talking this year. Gay marriage was legalized by the Supreme Court in...
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Tampa rally against white supremacy

A student group in Tampa is rallying Wednesday evening in solidarity with Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis and against white supremacy; Students for a Democratic Society Tampa is holding what they say is an emergency...
Tampa Heights Community Garden. WMNF News.

Tampa Heights civic groups say city is retaliating

Members of civic groups in Tampa Heights are crying foul about the results of an inspection of a community center they renovated in an abandoned church. The Tampa Heights Junior Civic Association suggests that the...

Black Millennials are taking black twitter to the streets

Hacktivists and activists, black twitter and black lives matter hashtags are all over social media but what do they mean to black millennials? A recent report by The Black Youth Project entitled “Black Millennials in...

USF students to rally in solidarity with Mizzou

On Thursday afternoon USF students will rally in support of students at the University of Missouri who have faced threats of violence after the school’s president and provost resigned in response to student protests; black students...

US Department of Education lambastes Pinellas County for educational disparities

Last Friday afternoon U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan visited Campbell Park Elementary, one of the South Saint Petersburg schools singled out in a Tampa Bay Times investigation noting severely underperforming schools. Outgoing US secretary...

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