It really is difficult to escape the fact that we are living in very strange times, the Presidential race becomes more bizarre as every moment passes. In the next edition of Life Elsewhere we explore different perspectives of the current and historical American political landscape and how it relates to who is running for the job of President. Award-winning author Colin Woodard will join the show to talk about his new book, American Character: A History of the Epic Struggle Between Individual Liberty and the Common Good. The timing for the release of Colin’s book could not be more appropriate, his pertinent observations coincide with the national debate over how the United States should be governed.
Toby Miller is a social scientist, concentrating on cultural and media studies. Currently in Western Australia, Toby returns to Life Elsewhere to share his well-considered thoughts on Mr. Trump, Ms. Clinton and Mr. Sandars, the Presidential race and how the rest of the world views what may well be a historical outcome. Toby Miller will also bravely predict the outcome of the general election.
Plus, Norman B selects one of the many new music releases to come his way. “I cannot stop from raving on about the quality of the latest music I have discovered!” He says. London-based, Charlie Cunningham is a fine example. Known for the rhythmic Spanish guitar style he honed while studying in Seville, Cunningham offers up an excellent new EP titled, Heights. Take a listen to Charlie’s song, Blindfold and let us know what you think. Send your feedback to comment@lifeelsewhere.co
Life Elsewhere airs:
Sundays 12 noon ET at The Source WMNF HD3
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