Allergies, COVID-19, and Listener Questions Unpacked with Dr. Fred Harvey


Vaccine therapy and inflammation concerns have recently come into the spotlight, especially with the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine. The potential occurrence of brain inflammation in both children and adults post-vaccination has been a focal point of these discussions, underscoring the need for more extensive research into the inflammatory responses triggered by the vaccine. A key voice in this dialogue is Dr. Fred Harvey, who brings to the conversation his concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine potentially leading to an increase in inflammation and the onset of neurological issues such as ADHD and autism. Dr. Harvey stresses the importance of addressing both brain and vascular inflammation in long-haul COVID patients, proposing a therapeutic approach focused on reducing inflammation. His stance has been shaped by his experience and understanding of the potential risks presented by the new vaccine therapy and the imperative to safeguard the health and well-being of those receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

(00:07:45) Brain Inflammation Risks in Vaccine Therapy

(00:12:56) Blocking Importin in Long COVID Treatment

(00:14:55) Mevacor Therapy for Long COVID Symptoms

(00:16:20) Inflammation Reduction with Curcumin for Hypertension

(00:26:57) Reversing Cognitive Decline Through Functional Medicine

(00:31:56) Inflammation Reduction with Hydroxychloroquine

(00:37:47) Reducing Infectivity Through Mask-Wearing Practices

(00:52:54) Holistic Approaches to Health and Wellness

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