“Trump’s first major typo after winning the election was spelling Unprecedented incorrectly. He infamously tweeted “Unpresidented.” This typo is emblematic of his administration: An impulsive, unprepared, frantically thrown together group of characters with virtually no oversight. After Trump was sworn in, I started writing my weekly Unpresidented column, analyzing every week of his presidency for the historical record. 208 weeks (1,461 days) and thousands of cups of coffee later, and here we are. This is the culmination of four years of work. A summary of America’s experience during the Trump presidency, and contemporaneous analysis of every week linked in a clickable database. I hope when reading this, you learn as much as I did when writing it so we can move forward more equipped to tackle the challenges we face.”
Ahmed Baba’s introduction to his extraordinary work, Unpresidented – A Complete Analysis & Guide To Every Day Of Trump’s Presidency. Yes, the time and effort Baba put into Unpresidented is certainly extraordinary, while the fact that this seemingly well-adjusted fellow has remained sane is remarkable after documenting daily in unwavering detail “the worst President in American history”. In our conversation, Ahmed touches on some of the consequential events that occurred during the four years of Trump’s presidency and how they relate today and what could be ahead if a twice-impeached, criminally indicted ex-president held office again. Ahmed Baba concludes, “Before we can grow, we must look back at the flaws in America Trump’s presidency highlighted. This new era is a New Reconstruction. This time, we need to get it right. Now, let’s learn, move forward, and work to build a more perfect union”.
A note about the images above, instead of using a formal posed portrait of Ahmed Baba we selected a series of screen grabs from our Zoom conversation to illustrate just how relaxed and super cool Ahmed is after his exhausting period writing Unpresidented. We also thought it would be a good idea to include a shot of Otis who we have no doubt helped Ahmed through long days and nights submerged in the atypical and unprecedented daily-life of the 45th US President.
Also in the show, new music from South-London Producer, Artist & DJ – Fiyahdred. Heavily influenced by a spectrum of genres & cultures, pioneered in the UK and worldwide e.g Garage, Jungle, Dancehall, Soca, Hip-Hop, Rare Grooves & House; together with the flamboyance of Black, Queer culture. Such inspirations have driven Fiyahdred to take their musical creations out of the bedroom and into the wider world. Overtimeis from a stunning 2-track EP, produced and vocalled by Fiyahdred, with hard hitting hooks fused with vibrant instrumentals make it impossible not to bop your head.
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