When the next edition of Life Elsewhere first airs, we will be just two days away from the Presidential election. As unlikely as it may seem, there are still people who claim to not have made up their minds when it comes to casting their vote. At this late stage, what would you tell someone who is still undecided? To find out if there is an answer to the question, we called upon some of our favorite contributors* to Life Elsewhere. And, to get a “fair and balanced” response, we went out of the studio, into the real world and posed the question to a random selection of people. The responses, although unrehearsed and unscripted are thoughtful and surprising. Make sure you do not miss the next edition of Life Elsewhere to hear if you agree with our guests’ answers to, “What would you tell the undecided?”
*Our favorite contributors: Dr. Jennifer, Mercieca, professor of communications; Dr. Binoy Kampmark, senior lecturer & researcher in Global Studies; Terry Morgan, entertainment entrepreneur; Sean Dunne, filmmaker; Steve Brodner, caricaturist; Mark Haskell Smith, author; Nancy Kells, musician; Gillian Gaar, author; Bob Ross, film & media critic; Wreckless Eric, musician Stephen O’Connor, author.
Life Elsewhere Show #194 airs:
Sundays 12 noon ET at The Source WMNF HD3
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