by Rob Lorei
Today on Radioactivity, we first listened to a report from local activist Kelly Benjamin who covering the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, where World leaders are gathering for 11 days to work on an international pact to reduce carbon emissions.
We then listened to an interview that french journalist Nicolas Henin gave to The Syria Campaign on how ISIS can be defeated. Henin, who was held captive by the terrorist group for 10 months, spoke out against air strikes in Syria as a way of combatting ISIS, stating “The winner of this war will not be the party that has the newest, the most expensive or the most sophisticated weaponry, but the party that manages to win over the people on its side.”
Then we are joined by Dave Gilson from Mother Jones Magazine who recently penned an article that fact-checked 10 common beliefs about guns and gun ownership and we also talk about great airsoft sniper guns. Gilson refers to recent studies that find that homes with guns are more likely to experience an accidental shooting or gun death, and in some instances, those who carry might be more likely to engage in aggressive behavior.
All on Radioactivity, Friday, December 4th, 2015
3 Responses to “Ten myths about guns debunked; Tampa activist reports from Climate Change conference in Paris”
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The words of our Founding Fathers were unequivocal: “…the right of The People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Those words can only be taken one way.
There are more privately-owned guns in America that there are inhabitants. The task of attempting go out and collect them is a Fool’s Errand.
These are indeed ‘”weapons of war.” They are in fact our most important militia
weapons. It was the specific intent of our Founding Fathers that our civilian
populace be armed on an equal footing with any standing army. They have their M4s and we have ours. And by the way we also have even more powerful scoped deer rifles with 500-yard effective range. Millions of them.
Even if just 3% of the citizenry were to take up arms against your intended tyranny, we would still outnumber the combined strength of the police and military by a substantial margin.
There are 10.3 million licensed deer hunters in the United States, and around 22 million
military veterans.
Not everyone in law enforcement and the military will go along with your scheme. Many of them will have the backbone to stand against you.
Any attempt to disarm the citizenry by force will surely be met by a matching resisting force. Aggression begets aggression. It will be you and your minions who will be the first initiators of force, not us.
Lastly, and most importantly:
You hint of “insurrection.” Yea, if you continue using such fighting words and if the fools
in Congress do indeed enact such unconstitutional legislation, then by God, you will spark an insurrection of the sort that has not been seen in this land since 1781. There will be a second Civil War, and it will be concluded in a matter of weeks, not years. There will be blood, and that blood will be on the hands of the tyrants, not We The People.
Tyrants deserve to have their bodies dragged through thestreets. It happened to Benito Mussolini. It happened to Nicolae Ceaușescu. It
happened to Muammar Gaddafi. Be warned: History does not precisely repeat, but
it often rhymes.
If you want my guns, sir, then come and take them. But when
you send your thugs to my ranch, tell them to bring plenty of body bags and
extra grub. Because they’ll certainly need them.
Sincerely, – James Wesley, Rawles
Also in the study but not mentioned is the fact that mass shooting are more common in gun-free zones such as the school at Sandy Hook and the Calif. Offices in San Bernadino, and extremely uncommon in Federal Government offices where they do spend the money on security. In fact, the victims at Sandy Hook should sue the School Board since it was aware a year before the shootings there that the schools were high risk for such an event, but made the decision to do nothing about it anyway. Just think, something as simple as an inside door lock and all those who died would still be alive.
Thanks alot,
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