By Rob Lorei
We start off today with the latest edition of Florida this week, a political discussion show broadcast by local PBS station WEDU on Friday nights and moderated by Radioactivity Host Rob Lorei. This Week’s Panel includes CAIR government affairs director Laila Abdelaziz, Attorney Danny Alvarez, Sierra Club campaign organizer Tim Heberline, Investigative reporter Noah Pransky. They discuss the big stories in national and state politics like Jeb Bush’s criticism of Donald Trump’s immigration policy, Gov. Scott’s push for a billion dollar tax cut for businesses, the national movement for a livable wage, and the call for an investigation into the spending practices of the Tampa Housing Authority.
Then we turn the Paris terrorist attacks that occurred over the weekend. A series of coordinated suicide bombings and shootings targeting a restaurant, sports stadium, and a rock concert within the heart of the French capital claimed the lives of at least 129 people. We open up the phone lines for listener thoughts and comments on the tragedy.
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