On today’s Radioactivity, Host Rob Lorei speaks with Barbara Zdravecky,CEO of Planned parenthood for Southwest and Central Florida, about the controversy surrounding a series of edited videos that purportedly showed PP staff discussing the sale of aborted fetal tissue. The videos have reignited criticism of the woman’s healthcare provider. Tomorrow protests are will be held at Planned Parenthood chapters nationwide, including 4 in the Tampa Bay Area. Zdravecky also addresses the investigation ordered by Gov. Rick Scott to look into citations issued by the State Agency for Health Care Administration for allegedly performing illegal second trimester abortions.
Then we turn to the special legislative session on the redistricting of some of Florida’s congressional districts . We bring on political consultant Barry Edwards to offer insight on the apparent impasse in Tallahassee over the new map. (The legislature later ended the session without reaching an agreement on a new district map)
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