“We do not need guns and bombs to bring peace, we need love and compassion”.. Mother Teresa
In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
In the earliest years of the Peace Prize, the prize was often awarded to pioneers of the organized peace movement. However, since World War II, the Peace Prize has been principally focused on four main areas: arms control and disarmament, peace negotiation, democracy and human rights, and work aimed at creating a better organized and more peaceful world. Mother Teresa won the award for her humanitarian efforts of trying to overcome poverty and distress in the world.
Although the Nobel Peace Prize is a representation of what peace efforts can look like on a massive scale, at the root of achieving peace is what we do in our everyday lives.
Of the many inspiring words of wisdom that Mother Teresa left with us are these, “Peace begins with a smile”.
Join me, Renna Reddick Friday from 4 to 6 a.m. for a special musical journey about this topic! I am definitely looking forward to spending time with you on the airwaves and sharing your energy!!!
Twitter is @yourmrngenergy
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