WMNF’s Fall Fund Drive is Thursday October 6 through next Thursday (October 13) morning.
We know you donate your hard-earned money to the station because you value community and community radio. But is it wrong to also want fun a fun t-shirt or superfly beanie? NOPE!
We would love to send you these thank-you gifts or many others for your donations. We can send you a pair of Tropical Heatwave, yes you are reading that right, Tropical Heatwave tickets. THW comes back to the Cuban Club on Saturday, May 5th, 2023. Come celebrate with us. Each show has a pair to send to a donor.
Why support community radio? We are your neighbors and friends, your co-workers and teammates. That means everything on our airwaves relates to where we live, and what we love.
We are the voice for the community – for the Central West Coast of Florida and beyond.
You hear music you won’t hear anywhere else – and that algorithims won’t put together for you.
You hear news that is about our towns and cities. News about issues that affect you directly.
Not only are we commercial free, we are independent of commercial pressure. We answer to our listeners.
Even though we are local, independent, commercial-free radio, we have listeners and contributors from all over the world. We look at the world from the stance of our mission:
WMNF is a listener-supported community radio station that celebrates cultural diversity and is committed to equality, peace and economic justice.
WMNF provides broadcasts and other forums with a grassroots local emphasis, that promote creative, musical and political vitality.
Heck, WMNF means We’re Member-sponsored Commercial Free!
Please donate to your favorite shows during the drive through the tip jar on this website, or on our free app. Or call 813.239.9663 and one of our volunteers will take your donation. Pledge what you can afford – everything counts – but please do donate.
We want WMNF to be there for the next generation and the one after that, and you will help get us there. There are levels of support for the Thank You Gifts, so if you want to break up your donations, consider becoming a Circle of Friends member. Then you can break it up into 12 payments.
Thanks so much!
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