Wedding Bells Are Sounding
Before you pop the champagne corks for same sex equality, be warned that many are digging in to defend marriage as they know it. Their rallying cry is “This is the same as 1972” which was the year before Roe v. Wade. SOFIA RESNICK, an investigative reporter for RH Reality Check has uncovered abuse and exposed religious influence on academic research and public policy in the areas of reproductive health and LGBT discrimination. Her work has appeared in The Austin Chronicle, The Huffington Post, Mother Jones, and Salon, among other publications. Think about the recent laws passed in Russia and Uganda. Many of the individuals and groups supporting these laws are from the U.S.
Rape victims have been called many names, but I think it is safe to say that George Will is the first to call them a “privileged class.” In a column in the Washington Post Sunday, Will commented on his perception of campus rape. ELIZABETH B. was assaulted in college. Find out why she, with over 87,000 others, have signed the petition to the Washington Post asking for the removal of George Will as a columnist. Take action: here.
UltraViolet is a new and rapidly growing community of women and men across the U.S. mobilized to fight sexism and expand women’s rights, from politics and government to media and pop culture. UltraViolet works on a range of issues, including health care, economic security, violence, and reproductive rights.
Economic IQ
What is your economic IQ? Were you surprised that almost all the reviewers of Thomas Pikietty’s recent book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, were men? A new blog brought by The Nation will bring us up to speed on some issues we must understand. KATHLEEN GEIER, will moderate this bi-monthly roundtable blog and says, I’m thrilled to pieces to announce a new project I am hosting at The Nation. We’re calling it The Curve; our tagline is, “Where Feminism and Economics Intersect.”
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