Environmentalists are hoping to save a wilderness preserve in Pasco County from being bisected by a new road; and now that the county’s budget has come out, supporters of the Serenova preserve say they plan to ask the feds to deny permitting because the cost estimate for the Ridge Road Extension has nearly doubled.
WMNF interviewed Dan Rametta, with the Sierra Club’s Save Our Serenova coalition.
3 Responses to “Environmentalists cite a new reason feds should reject road through Serenova: $150 million price tag”
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We don’t need more roads and the destruction of remaining beautiful land. We need the land and so does our wildlife. There is too much damage from roads as it is.
Thank you Dan Rametta for bringing the fight for almost 20 years. His efforts have been heroic.
Thanks WMNF for giving this story some air time.
Only people this $150 million taxpayer-funded boondoggle helps is the already filthy rich Starkeys who control the Pasco County Commission and most city governments around here. Can’t stop crony capitalism. Who needs some dumb trees and endangered species anyways? Not the Starkeys. They only care about getting even richer off great grandpa’s work and our tax money.