Independence Day???
The fireworks have ended (at least I hope so). The parades, the music, the picnics and barbecues, all the fun trappings of the 4th are past. The president goes abroad – on Friday he meets with Putin. Oh to be a patriotic fly on that wall! And the North Koreans set off quite a few fireworks of their own. One of the problems I have always had with fireworks displays – if they are celebratory and voluntary, they can be colorful and fun, but you can never forget the reality from which they come. Hopefully the sentiments and the hope of the declaration on that 4th of July are still alive and beacons of freedom.
I don’t know about you, but the politics of this time are draining my spirit and I am aware there is a disconnect to my soul of hope. I think we have lost the sense that a nation is a place, a land, a river, a base of life of which we all are a part. If you separate the nation from its place, you separate people from their soul.
With that in mind, we will be examining Terry Tempest Williams latest book, The Hour of Land: A Personal Topography of America’s National Parks. This is not Bergman’s “Hour of the Wolf,” it is the hour of the mountains, the rivers, the glaciers, the sandstone, the eagles and the Fritillary butterflies. We need the solace of our home. Tune into From a Woman’s POV Thursday at 10 am.
More about Terry Tempest Williams
Mary and Arlene
You can listen to From a Woman’s Point of View on WMNF’s HD3 The Source channel on Sundays at 4pm, or from their show page, here.
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